Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences

The Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences in the School of Pharmacy 亿德体育(Temple University)解决了对精通监管科学的专业人士的迫切需求. 课程包括制药科学与法规事务(RA)和质量保证(QA)。, 弥合这些领域之间经常存在的知识差距. This master’s degree is part of the RA and QA graduate program.

美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)将监管科学定义为“开发新工具的科学”, standards and approaches to assess the safety, efficacy, quality and performance of FDA-related products.“受监管的行业和监管机构都需要了解复杂的监管整合的专业人士, 将受监管的医疗保健产品推向市场所需的质量实践和科学知识. 

药物科学课程侧重于治疗产品开发和制造的核心科学原理. RA和QA课程提供了强有力的法规框架和质量实践, addressing scientific methods needed to assure safety, efficacy, quality and consistent performance. 

The curriculum draws upon the school’s world-renowned MS program in RA and QA. 课程由积极从事研究的制药科学家以及目前从事研究和开发的行业专家讲授, drug development, regulatory affairs, manufacturing, and validation. 

攻读这个研究生课程的个人必须有很强的科学背景, 包括自然科学的本科或研究生学位吗. 


第一所开设质量保证和监管事务研究生课程的大学, 坦普尔大学药学院继续在这个充满活力的专业学科中树立黄金标准. Since 1968, 这所学校一直走在行业教育的前列, 在RA和QA方面提供的课程比其他任何类似的研究生课程都多. 每年我们都会继续增加和完善课程,以纳入监管科学的最新趋势.  

RA和QA课程让学生接触到制药行业的真实发展, 从目前的质量实践到国内和全球监管的最新趋势. Throughout their course of study, RA和QA学生对收益风险评估有了更大的认识, regulatory intelligence, data mining and statistical relevance, 以及在全球范围内混合制药和监管科学的复杂性.  

Most students work in industry, representing the world’s foremost pharmaceutical, device and biotechnology companies. 他们的经验和知识差异很大:有些人刚刚开始他们的职业生涯, 而另一些人已经从事工业30年或更长时间.   

学生和教师来自300多家公司, the networking opportunities are tremendous. 每次课堂体验都将来自行业多个方面的个人经验结合在一起, including quality assurance and control, regulatory science, R&D, manufacturing and validation, clinical research and trials, medical affairs and pharmacovigilance, biotechnology and generic drugs, medical devices and combination products, and marketing and sales.   

Students from the cosmetic, chemical, 医疗保健和食品行业也参与其中,以更深入地了解质量实践和法规遵从性.  

What sets apart the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences MS?

  • Start courses any time of year (fall, spring or summer)
  • 享受以互动在线形式提供的工作日夜间课程
  • 在申请硕士学位之前,最多修三门课程
  • Network with professionals across the U.S. and world
  • No thesis required; complete 30 credits (10 courses) to earn the degree

Program Format & Curriculum 

课程在一年中三个学期的工作日晚上在线提供. The program may be pursued on a part-time basis, 使在职专业人士在全职工作的同时获得学位. 通过精心规划,学位可在两到三年内完成. 


  • 医药制造I:预制剂/制剂(8003) 

  • 医药制造II:固体剂型(8004) 

  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (8005) 

  • Physical Pharmacy (8006)—offered only in spring of even-numbered years

  • 法规科学:管理质量指南(5575)

  • IND/NDA Submissions (5495)

  • Facilities, Utilities and Equipment (5468)

  • 化学,制造和控制(CMC)(5576或5577) 



Pharmaceutical science electives 

  • Pharmaceutical Analysis (8002) 

  • Applied Biopharmaceutics (8007) 

RA and QA electives (students must take one) 

  • High Purity Water Systems (5478) 

  • Cleaning Validation (5516) 

  • Computerized System Validation (5498) 

  • Vaccines: RA and QA Issues (5572) 

  • Biologics/Biosimilars (5515)

  • Regulatory Strategy (5606) 


See the curriculum


  • Thirty credits must be completed, 包括上述课程的24个必修学分和6个选修学分. Required courses should complete required courses first, 因为它们为以后的课程提供了知识基础. 

  • 学生最多可以从其他学校获得六个学时的转学学分, 惟有关课程与亿德体育药物规管科学理科硕士课程相同, a grade of B or higher was earned, and courses are no more than five years old. 

  • Students will be given five years to complete the degree. No research or thesis is required. 

Program Contacts

Wendy Lebing is the assistant dean of the RA and QA graduate program. 
Phone: 267-468-8560 

Peter Doukas is the academic coordinator for RA and QA. 
Phone: 215-707-7883 

Jean Westbrook is the administrative coordinator for applications. 
Phone: 267-468-8559 

Swati Nagar is the director of graduate studies. 
Phone: 215-707-4948 

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 该项目提供有竞争力的学费水平,并提供多种经济支持机会.

Tuition rates are the same, whether courses are online, on-campus, 证书课程的一部分或药学院另一个硕士课程的一部分.

Per course for Pennsylvania residents: $3,393
Per course for nonresidents: $4,218

亿德体育的学费每年由学校设定,并受多种因素影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more.

You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


亿德体育的院系和专业都获得了美国亿德体育协会的认证 Middle States Commission on Higher Education.


Additional Program Information